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St Anthony's Primary School, Larne

Afterschool Clubs

29th Mar 2022

The following afterschool clubs are still running for the following dates

Jump, Jiggle & Jive, P1 to P3, Wednesday 30/3/2022(last class) 2pm to 2.50pm.  Apologies no class on Wednesday 7/4/2022.

Multisports for P1 to P3, Thursday 31/3/2022 and Thursday 7/4/2022(last class) 2pm to 3pm.

Mulitsports for P4 to P7, Thursday 31/3/2022 and Thursday 7/4/2022(last class) 3pm to 4pm.

All Homework and ICT Clubs for P1 to P7 are all finished.